The MISTRA Sustainable Consumption programme has published three reports on how to eat, holiday and decorate your home more sustainably.
The reports are the result of a broad mapping process of potentially sustainable consumption practices with many hands-on sustainable examples.
View the reports (only available in Swedish) via the links below:
Att äta hållbart – En kartläggning av vad hållbar matkonsumtion kan innebära
Att semestra hållbart – En kartläggning av vad hållbart semestrande kan innebära
Att inreda hållbart – En kartläggning av vad hållbar heminredning kan innebära
Mistra Sustainable Consumption – from niche to mainstream
A research programme that aims to stimulate a transition to sustainable consumption by generating in-depth knowledge on how niche sustainable consumption practices can become mainstream in the areas of food, vacation and furnishing.
Researchers involved in the project from the IIIEE are: Oksana Mont, Matthias Lehner and Heather Schoonover