Impact stories
There is a call globally for an increased emphasis on research impact as well as more sophisticated approaches to planning, achieving, and measuring impact from research. Broadly speaking, we consider research impact to refer to the contribution that research (and education) makes to the economy, society, environment, or culture, beyond the contribution to academia.
Our impact story series are narratives that present our pathways for creating and amplifying impact. Taking a storytelling format combined with visualisations and personal interviews, the impact story series provides several ways to explore the impact of IIIEE research and education activities. We invite reflections and inputs to our work, initiatives, and future directions.
We amplify our education by offering online courses. Read more here
Anyone and everyone is welcome to join our Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs. Based on this, the MOOC phenomenon actually represents a democratisation of the entire university system, where knowledge and skills are conveyed to a broader public.
We communicate our research by producing podcast series. Read more here
We see this podcast as a way to challenge the institutions of science. For years, we’ve felt that academia is not doing enough to reach out to people. Today, research results are often hidden behind paywalls, and the language of science is, in itself, too technical for a general audience.
We offer a specialisation on sustainable cities and communities. Read more here
In short, the specialisation is a way to couple our MOOCs together on urban transformations and provide a possibility for a more advanced certificate to participants that complete all three of our MOOCs.
We provide professional education on cities, nature and innovation. Read more here
Our professional development program aims to develop transformational skills and capacities of individuals that represent key bodies governing and/or influencing natural resource-related urban infrastructure.
We share the logic and tools to understand and apply the circular economy in practice. Read more here.
The course serves as a scholarly introduction for the participants who want to go deeper and motivate them to take a regular university course on the subject.

Impact story #1
Growing Massive Global Audiences - Reaching out to the world through online courses

Impact story #2
Advancing Sustainable Solutions - Using a podcast to inform, engage, and discuss

Impact story #3
Sparking Urban Transformations - Engaging a vast online learning community around city issues

Impact story #4
Connecting Cities, Nature and Innovation — Providing tools, knowledge and contacts to practitioners

Impact story #5
Closing the Loops - Disseminating skills and tools for a circular economy