Peter Arnfalk
Senior lecturer

Peter Arnfalk is Associate Professor at the IIIEE. He holds a PhD in Industrial Environmental Economics from the IIIEE, a postdoc from NIMC, Tsukuba (Japan) and an MSc in Chemical Engineering. His main research area is green ICT with a focus on effects from technology applications. He has been involved in Green ICT-projects for the European Commission, Swedish Innovation Agency, Swedish Transport Administration and Energy Agency. He is currently involved in a research project in the effects of virtual meetings. Peter is lecturing in the areas of Green IT and Sustainable Transport Systems, and has extensive experience of developing, designing and teaching distance education.
Ongoing projects
Implications and reporting of virtual meetings
The goal of the project is to develop a framework and to propose a credible and applicable routine for the reporting of VMs by public authorities, as well as develop methods for monitoring and consequence analysis of the increased VM use.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Utbyte av arbetsplatser mellan myndigheter : Utvärdering av ett pilotprojekt
Peter Arnfalk, Anna Kramers
ReportDigital tillgänglighet - så påverkas vårt resande
Peter Arnfalk, Lena Winslott Hiselius
ReportEntering, enduring and exiting : the durability of shared mobility arrangements and habits
Brendan J. Doody, Tim Schwanen, Derk A. Loorbach, Sem Oxenaar, Peter Arnfalk, et al.
(2022) Mobilities, 17 p.484-500
Journal articleHow do new mobility practices emerge? : A comparative analysis of car-sharing in cities in Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands
Elisabeth M.C. Svennevik, Marc Dijk, Peter Arnfalk
(2021) Energy Research & Social Science, 82
Journal articleWhen the impossible becomes possible : COVID-19’s impact on work and travel patterns in Swedish public agencies
Lena Winslott Hiselius, Peter Arnfalk
(2021) European Transport Research Review, 13
Journal articlePreliminära resultat och analys av del 1 av enkätundersökningen ”Coronas påverkan på arbete och resor”
Peter Arnfalk, Lena Winslott Hiselius
(2020) IIIEE Working Papers , p.1-6
Working paperKombinerad mobilitet för hållbara tjänsteresor
Sonja Forward, Jessica Berg, Per Henriksson, Alfred Andersson, Adam Laurell, et al.
ReportEvaluating a Mobility Service Application for Business Travel: Lessons Learnt from a Demonstration Project
Alfred Andersson, Lena Winslott Hiselius, Jessica Berg, Sonja Forward, Peter Arnfalk
(2020) Sustainability (Switzerland), 12 p.1-18
Journal articleIndicators for Promising Accessibility and Mobility Services
Tina Ringenson, Peter Arnfalk, Anna Kramers, Liridona Sopjani
(2018) Sustainability
Journal articleAaas and maas for reduced environmental and climate impact of transport creating indicators to identify promising digital service innovations for reduced demand and optimized use of transport resources
Anna Kramers, Tina Ringenson, Liridona Sopjani, Peter Arnfalk
(2018) EPiC Series in Computing, 52 p.137-152
Conference paperOnline teaching going massive: input and outcomes
Charlotte Leire, Kes McCormick, Jessika Luth Richter, Peter Arnfalk, Håkan Rodhe
(2016) Journal of Cleaner Production, 123 p.230-233
Journal article (letter)Green IT in Practice: Virtual Meetings in Swedish Public Agencies
Peter Arnfalk, Ulf Pilerot, Per Schillander, Pontus Grönvall
(2016) Journal of Cleaner Production, 123 p.101-101
Journal articleGreening the global classroom: experiences using MOOCs to advance sustainability education
Jessika Luth Richter, Charlotte Leire, Peter Arnfalk, Kes McCormick, Håkan Rodhe
(2015) Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference Proceedings
Conference paperOrganisational effects of virtual meetings
Peter Abrahamsson Lindeblad, Yuliya Voytenko, Oksana Mont, Peter Arnfalk
(2015) Journal of Cleaner Production , p.1-11
Journal articleHandledning för mätning och utvärdering av resfria möten
Peter Abrahamsson Lindeblad, Yuliya Voytenko, Peter Arnfalk, Oksana Mont
ReportResfria Möten: vad blir effekterna och hur redovisar man dem?
Yuliya Voytenko, Peter Arnfalk, Peter Abrahamsson Lindeblad, Mikael Klintman, Oksana Mont
ReportArbete, studier och möten på distans: hur påverkas resandet? Delrapport 3: Distansutbildning
Peter Arnfalk
(2013) Underlagsrapport till regeringens utredning Fossilfri Fordonsflotta
ReportAtt mäta och rapportera användning av resfria möten på organisationsnivå: jakten på den rätta indikatorn
Peter Arnfalk
ReportArbete, studier och möten på distans: hur påverkas resandet? Delrapport 1: Distansarbete & flexibla arbetsformer
Peter Arnfalk
(2013) Underlagsrapport till regeringens utredning Fossilfri Fordonsflotta
ReportArbete, studier och möten på distans: hur påverkas resandet? Delrapport 2: Resfria Möten
Peter Arnfalk
(2013) Underlagsrapport till regeringens utredning Fossilfri Fordonsflotta
ReportMöjliga effekter av resfria möten – förslag på indikatorer
Peter Arnfalk
(2012) Working Paper
ReportMobility Management Moving In: the journey of integrating MM into decision-making processes in municipalities
Christian Brandt, Peter Arnfalk
(2012) Rethinking Transport in the Öresund Region - Policies, Strategies and Behaviours , p.243-251
Book chapterWhat's Green in Green IT? Importance, Interpretations and Impacts
Peter Arnfalk
(2010) [Publication information missing]
Conference paper: abstractKartläggning av svensk FoU inom området IT och miljö
Peter Arnfalk, Andrius Plepys, Chris van Rossem
(2009) VINNOVA Rapport
ReportHur Integrerade är Miljökvalitetsmålen i Svensk Tillverkningsindustri?
Peter Arnfalk, Torbjörn Brorsson, Åke Thidell
ReportMiljöarbete inom Svensk Tillverkningsindustri. En färd från myt till verklighet
Peter Arnfalk, Torbjörn Brorson, Åke Thidell, Richard Almgren, Rolf Henriksson, et al.
ReportMiljöarbete inom svensk tillverkningsindustri
Åke Thidell, Peter Arnfalk, Torbjörn Brorsson, Rickard Almgren
ReportHow can the IT industry lead in energy efficient strategies? How is the mobile workforce impacting the environment?
Peter Arnfalk
Conference paperEn Hållbar Förbindelse
Peter Arnfalk
(2007) Transportbarriärer och Ekonomi – en analys av transportbarriärer i Öresundsregionen, Delrapport 1 av 4
Book chapterSuccessful Telework and Teleconferencing Experiences in Sweden – developing a web-based service for knowledge and experience sharing
Peter Arnfalk, L Eklind, U Pilerot, L Örberg
Conference paperExperience with a System Dynamics model in a prospective study on the future impact of ICT on environmental sustainability
Patrick A. Wäger, Lorenz M. Hilty, Peter Arnfalk, Lorenz Erdmann, James Goodman
(2006) Proceedings of the iEMSs 3rd Biennial Meeting,Summit on Environmental Modelling and Software
Conference paperThe relevance of information and communication technologies for environmental sustainability - A prospective simulation study
Lorenz A. Hilty, Peter Arnfalk, Lorenz Erdmann, James Goodman, Martin Lehmann, et al.
(2006) Environmental Modelling & Software, 21 p.1618-1629
Journal articleEtt miljöanpassat informationssamhälle 2020 [An Environmentally Sustainable Information Society in year 2020].
Peter Arnfalk, Ylva Hambreaus-Björling, Carolina Otterskog, Kenneth Asp, Anita Aspegren, et al.
ReportNanoparticulate materials and regulatory policy in Europe: An analysis of stakeholder perspectives
Aasgeir Helland, Hans Kastenholz, Åke Thidell, Peter Arnfalk, Knut Deppert
(2006) Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 8 p.709-719
Journal articleAre we prepared to take the environmental challenge from nanotechnology?
Å Helland, H G Kastenholz, Åke Thidell, Peter Arnfalk, Knut Deppert
(2005) Book of extended abstracts: Intl Conf on Nanotechnology: The Ethical and Legal Aspects, Columbia, SC, USA (2005)
Conference paperEducation for Sustainable Development and the Young Masters Program
Kes McCormick, Elisabeth Mühlhäuser, Birgitta Nordén, Lars Hansson, Carl Foung, et al.
(2005) Journal of Cleaner Production, 13 p.1107-1112
Journal articleThe future impact of ICT on environmental sustainability
Peter Arnfalk, Lorenz Erdmann, James Goodman, Lorenz Hilty
ReportService transformation - managing a shift from business travel to virtual meetings
Peter Arnfalk, Beatrice Kogg
(2003) Journal of Cleaner Production, 11 p.859-872
Journal articleCan virtual meetings replace business travel? - Recycle OK, but leave my frequent flyer miles alone!
Peter Arnfalk
(2002) Sustainability at the speed of light : opportunities and challenges for tomorrow's society
Book chapterFrom plant to paper and sea to sandwich: technical implications of product chain management in real life
Peter Arnfalk, Åke Thidell
(2002) Paper presented at the conference Engineering education in sustainable development, October 24 and 25, 2002, TU Delft
Conference paperInformation and communications technologies and business travel: Environmental possibilities, problems and implications
Peter Arnfalk
(2002) The ecology of the new economy: Sustainable transformation of global information, communications and electronics industries
Book chapterVirtual Mobility and Pollution Prevention - The Emerging Role of ICT Based Communication in Organisations and its Impact on Travel
Peter Arnfalk
(2002) IIIEE dissertations, 2002:1
DissertationRealizing the environmental potential of virtual communication
Peter Arnfalk, Beatrice Kogg
(2001) In Proceedings of the 7th European Roundtable on Cleaner Production, 2-4 May 2001, Lund , p.21-21
Conference paper