Vera Sadovska
Postdoctoral fellow

Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Yuliya Voytenko Palgan, Vera Sadovska, Oksana Mont, Andrius Plepys
ReportEngagement of stakeholders in action-oriented education for sustainability: a study of motivations and benefits and development of a process model
Vera Sadovska, Natalia Rastorgueva, Paola Migliorini, Martin Melin
(2024) The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension
Journal articleUrban and Peri-Urban Food Sharing Governance: Discover The Potential Of Urban Food Sharing To Foster Sustainable City Transformations
Amaranta Herrero, Moragues-Faus Ana
ReportPerspectives on agroecological transition: the case of Guachetá municipality, Colombia
Sergio Alejandro Barrios Latorre, Vera Sadovska, Iman R. Chongtham
(2023) Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 4 p.382-412
Journal articleWe do it our way – small scale farms in business model transformation for sustainability
Vera Sadovska, Fredrik Fernqvist, Henrik Barth
(2023) Journal of Rural Studies, 102
Journal articleResearch protocol for mobile research labs on food sharing : Tracing costs, investments, challenges, drivers, and success factors to establish and maintain food sharing initiatives
Yuliya Voytenko Palgan, Vera Sadovska
Working paperSustainable value creation–a farm case on business model innovation
Fredrik Fernqvist, Vera Sadovska, Per-Anders Langendahl
(2022) International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 25 p.543-554
Journal articleReviewing value creation in agriculture—A conceptual analysis and a new framework
Vera Sadovska, Lena Ekelund Axelson, Cecilia Mark-Herbert
(2020) Sustainability, 12
Journal article